Thursday, April 12, 2007


It turns out that most of my webcam weilding friends, who have built-in iSight cameras, won't be able to use this service anonymously. You would have to register first, and then change your preferences so the service looks for a Firewire camera rather than USB. One of the guys at Eyejot sent me a video message to let me know, I'll write up here if the situation changes.

1 comment:

daryn said...

Hey Phil,

You don't need to register with eyejot to change your webcam settings.

From the widget, just right click (control-click on mac) and choose Settings. You'll get the standard Flash settings control, and on the tab that looks like an old-school webcam, you can choose which camera you want to use. Just change it there (to "USB class video" for built-in isights) and you should be good to go...

